Feb 15, 2012
Sean and Caitie have Daddy-Daughter time and Caitie takes Junior Drivers Ed 101! Sean talks about a pizza and beer evening for Catholic dads where faith and fatherhood came into focus. Your feedback, more Holy Homework and the return of Catholic News. Join in! Send MP3 or email feedback to feedback@justacatholicdad.com, or leave a comment at www.justacatholicdad.com.
This week’s 60 Second Saint is St Michael by Alex
Anonymous Father’s Day Trailer:
Daniele Rossi:
Explaining The Trinity in Plain Language:
The Catholic Family Podcast:
Dare to Believe by David Payne (ISBN 978-1-903623-49-7)
The Sixty Minute Father by Rob Parsons (ISBN 978-0-340-99561-7)
End Music "Hope", by Al Stravinsky, available through www.musicalley.com
Catholic News taken from The Daily Mail
Join in! Send MP3 or email feedback to feedback@justacatholicdad.com, or leave a comment at www.justacatholicdad.com.